Volunteering at the Marigold

How Do I Volunteer for shows?

Please contact our box office if you are interested in volunteering at the Marigold. Our phone number is (902) 897-4004 or email meg@marigoldcentre.ca 

What Time Do I Show Up?

We ask that volunteers to show up approximately 45 minutes before the performance is to start. Most shows are at 7:30 PM so we ask you to arrive at 6:45 PM.

What Do I wear to Volunteer?

We ask that you wear a white shirt and black pants. There are volunteer pins available to wear as well.

What Are the Jobs Volunteers Assist With?

Volunteers usually look after ushering, ticket taking, backstage duties, selling merchandise and occasionally assisting with the bar duties.  

Ushering: You would assist clients in finding their seat within the theatre. 

Tickets: Rip ticket stubs and ensure everyone has a ticket as they enter the theatre

Backstage: Coordinating with the Sound Technician to assist the artist with getting on stage at the appropriate times.

Merchandise: Selling CDs and promotional items for the artist/group – All monies are figured out by staff at the end of the night – Volunteer only needs to sell items.  Count inventory if needed.

Our website is the best way to check our upcoming events – please review it and let us know if there are any shows that you would like to sign up for.

The first couple of times we will place you with a regular volunteer so you can observe what happens during an event.